Sports Portfolios

Part 1 - Portfolios
  1. Runner-Up
      1. Travis Haughton
      2. Story
        1. Back of the head covering a lot of the photo
        2. Merger photos
        3. Pictures of signs were bad
        1. All faces being shown
        2. Not full-frame
      5. I think they are alright. A lot of the photos didn't have quality, and seemed a bit repetitive. A lot of them were also confusing and weren't obvious on what the photo was on.
      1. Josh Birnbaum
      2.  Photoj

        1. Upwards angles on someones face
        2. Not very graphic/is bland
        3. Photo not part of story
        1. Good detail
        2. Different photo
      4. Their photos were pretty good, but there were a couple photos that were horrible and ruined the rest of them. It was also hard to tell what the story was about since some of the photos didn't connect to each other.
      1. Justin Mott
      2. Photoj
        1. Everything a little bit blurry
        2. Need to see the whole head
        3. Failed at graphics
        1. Tells the story
        2. Face is the foreground
      5. I liked their photos, but all of them being black and white I was not a huge fan of. They tried to do new things, but failed at it and it kind of ruined some of the photos
      1. Anthony Souffle
      2. Story
        1. Cant see the lines the birds are tangled in
        2. Cant figure out what the photo is of
        3. Overuse of cute kid for photo
        1. Good tears
        2. Humor
      5. All of the photos were well done. The story flowed well and you could see what it was about. Some of the photos were mediocre, but none were bad.
  2. Winner
    1. Everybody in the photo is doing something. Photos were creative.
    2. Photos tried to do something new. They were in focus. Some photos had too much photoshop that ruined it a bit.
  3. Content Recap
    1. If there wasn't any blanks and or bad photos. If all photos were strong. The winner is decide through process of elimination by getting rid of all the worse ones.
Part 2 -Individual Images
  1. I agree with the judges on the Canadian Goose picture. The body language of her pushing it off is very clear and defined. The size of the goose compared to the person is also balanced and creates a nice look to the overall photo.
  2. I do not agree with the judges on the Wave Surf picture. The leading lines of the water and the composition looked pleasing to me.
