2 Posts - Ready

A selfie is replaceable and has disposable quality. They are taken by smartphone cameras or webcams and are taken by the person who is being photographed. A self-portrait is carefully composed and has more decisions. More thought is put into a self-portrait than a selfie. Self-portraits are planned and have to be set up. They cannot be quickly taken without effort. Self-portraits will also usually portray an emotion or feeling that the person has while a selfie is to capture a quick moment. I prefer self-portrait because it is more well composed and I want my photos to look good rather than quick and simple. I don't think one is more valuable or important than the other. They both have their strengths and weaknesses and are used for different versions of the same thing.

The websites intention is to teach people about photography and also give tips on how to improve. They also have challenges and other information regarding photography. They have different articles such as top tips, photography challenges, and also ones comparing techniques in photography. An average viewer going to that website can get starting tips and tricks as well as just basic background information needed to start photography. The website is basically an online school. If I did photography a lot more, I would add this website to my bookmarks. It contains a lot of useful information on how to improve as well as weekly challenges to give new techniques a try. I would recommend the website. It's well built and has a lot of useful information. I would rate it a 5 because of how diverse it's information is and how many different people can use what it has.

Something that I learned on the website is how carrying less equipment is better. The less bulk and weight allows you to move easier without being worn out or being restricted. It also allows you to think more about your composition. I chose to share this on my blog because it is something that any photographer could use. It is advice which is something that a lot of people can be looking for in photography when starting out or wanting to become better. The other articles I saw were also just challenges and stuff that I wouldn't learn much about, while this post's main intention was to inform photographers.
