Spiral Staircases


I looked at many photos of spiraling staircases. All of the photos were from the top bottom. Most of them were directly in the center looking down on the spiral.

    1. I chose this photo because when I first looked at it, it really confused me and got me turned around on what orientation the photo was taken in.
    2. I see leading lines and rule of thirds. I guess simple background also works.
    3. Christian Richter
    1. On the website I first saw an initial photo of a spiral staircase, then some info on the photographer, Christian Richter. There was also some explanation on the photos as well as equipment. Afterwards it was just each photo after another.
    2. I learned how Christian thinks when he takes one of these photo, as well as some background information about his life.
    3. The site relates to photography because it is about a photographer.
