Cover Types

Image based magazine covers usually contain a person, very large and visible that is used to interest the viewers. If they are travel based it is usually a broad view of the landscape they are talking about. Image based covers catch your eyes and show you what to expect or what is going on in an event.
Illustration based magazine covers portray something out of the ordinary that you wouldn't be able to get in a photo.
Type based magazine covers are bold and are made to strike or shock you. They portray a powerful image with large powerful text. These are rare.
Concept based magazine covers are a mix of all the 3 others. It is used to portray a strong message in a shocking or funny approach. These covers have to be simple enough so viewers can understand the idea

Photos on a magazine cover give you a solid image and idea of what is happening, while the words back it up by giving more/background information that a viewer would not be able to get from just the photo. This is important because just having one and not the other can give a lack of information on the cover to the viewer and may not interest the viewer, causing them to not buy the magazine which is the cover's main job.
