American Soldier

A. On The Brink Of Dismissal, it shows the levels of stress that can happen in that scenario, it has a lot of emotions showing in the photo
B. They are in chronological order so you can follow each event and see how one leads to another
C. They each give a bit more background information on what is happening and the other events at the tme
D. Ian Fisher joined the military in 2007. He had a lot of rigorous training. Ian got a lot of injuries and had to be put on a lot of medications. Ian had a drug problem, but was demoted a rank and given a second chance. In 2008 he was deployed to Iraq for a year. After Iraq he got married to his girlfriend.
E. Present tense
1. 3 Sentences
2. What is happening in the photo
3. Extra background information you can't get from just the photo
4. A quote from someone
5. Yes
6. No
G. A photo can show a lot of things that words can not, and then the caption adds in details and background information giving enough for a full story to be told
H. Photos and captions don't get every single detail needed. There is a lot of extra things and information unrelated to those photos and captions that can be written about in the story.

(I accidentally had this as a draft and not published)
