Three Pillars of Photography

 Image result for f2.8 aperture photo
Image result for f16 aperture photo

1. The eye
2. The smaller the Aperture opening, the higher the Aperture F-Stop
3. A higher aperture f-stop will have a larger depth of field burring less or none of the background

Image result for high shutter speed photo
Image result for slow shutter speed photo

    1. Short
    2. Short
    3. Long
    4. Long
    5. Long
    6. Long

    1. Slow
    2. Slow
    3. Long
    4. Long
    5. Long
    6. Long
    1. Auto - Camera chooses the shutter speed for you
    2. Shutter Priority, the camera chooses the aperture level for you, but you set the shutter speed
    3. Manual - You can set aperture and shutter speed manually, no automation
Image result for ISO 200 photo
Image result for ISO 3200 photo

1. It is brighter and easier to see what is happening
2. Balance it using a long shutter speed
3. Use it when you are fighting against motion blur, increase it when there is not enough light for the camera to capture a sharp, bright photo any other way

Aperture - 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22
Shutter Speed - 1 sec, 1/60 sec, 1/4000 sec
ISO - 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600
