Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

Image result for gordon parks photos

1. What caught my eye in this photo was the crisp subject and the well blurred background
2. I see the flat ground. I see the blurred wall in the back. I also see the distress in the person's face. I smell the mist in the air. The dry, rough smell of the concrete. I also smell the dust on the ground. I hear the cars in the far back. I hear the scratching of the cover on the concrete. I hear the water running underneath. I taste the dirt flying around. I taste the bugs in the air. I feel the hard cold concrete. I feel the rough metal texture of the cover. I feel the dirt and dust on the ground.

Image result for gordon parks photos

1. What caught my eye in this photo was the emotions and how much was going on
2. I see the shelves full of food. I see the kids looking at stuff. I see the happiness in their faces. I smell the dirty clothes. I smell the freezing ice cream. I smell the store smell. I hear the children running around. I hear the people talking. I hear the cold AC running. I taste the ice cream in the shelves. I taste the cold food in the fridges. I taste the cold air. I feel the cold AC air on my skin. I feel the cld touch of the glass panel. I feel the crispness of the plastic wrapper.

3. Powerpoint
