Academic Shoot

1. Balance, Framing, and Lines
2. The subject is the large group of students all at the table sitting down working on something together
3. Yes, there isn't much else there
4. N/A

1. Balance, Simplicity, Lines
2. The subject is the teacher and the 4 students working together
3. Yes
4. N/A

1. Balance, Lines
2. The subject is the 4 students sitting down at the table working in their Chromebook
3. Yes
4. N/A

1. Balance
2. The subject is the students and the birthday girl working under the balloon
3. No
4. The lighting was a little bit off

1. Balance, Lines
2. The subject is the student in the library studying
3. Somewhat
4. The books are kind of distracting so getting the out of focus might of helped


  1. Two things that I liked from your photo shoot were that you used a lot of lines in your photos with the lockers and pillars where the students were working. Another thing I liked about your shoot was you also had good balance in your pictures and the were mostly symmetrical, I really like your use of rules of composition for your shoot and I think that it is one your strengths. One thing you could maybe improve is maybe improve your lighting on that one photo, so instead of facing the windows and having the sunlight coming through you could turn your body the other way and have the sun facing against your back and have the light coming on to the balloons.

    Thanks, Brock


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