Abandoned Theme Parks

1. I would like to visit Okpo Land, Okpo City, Geoje Island South Korea. I want to go to that park because it had a different feel than the others. It is in South Korea so the culture and parks will be different than what I am used to. I also like how the shrubbery and greenery was starting to take over it really emphasizing on the abandoned part.
Image result for okpo land south korea

3. Traditional Villages, the deep Amazon, old war bunkers, Ghost Town, burnt forest
Image result for old war bunkers photo

5. I think it would be fun to document that location because it is very mysterious about what has happened in the past there and not many people do so. The photos would give an ominous feel and show the dampness of the place and how worn down it is.
6. I would need a camera, a plane ride there, permission to actually go into the area and probably someone to guide me around it.
