Composition 9/11

There is something about this man's dust-covered suit and general demeanour which makes this an unforgettable image.
In this photo, the blurred background and also grainy background make the subject stand out. It makes the viewer ignore what else is happening and focus on the man.

Rule of Thirds:
Manhattan was bathed in an eerie smoke for days afterwards
In this photo, the main subject is the smoke. The smoke is going to the left and the main part of it is in the upper left third.

Engineers say that the World Trade Centers had an unusual design, where much of the structural load was carried by the exterior shell of the building rather than central columns. So when that shell was pierced, the buildings were weakened significantly, precipitating their collapse.
In this photo, the lines of the building structure guide the viewers eye's upward. It gives the feeling that those buildings are supposed to be upright but are no longer.


In this photo, the smoke is evenly coming out at both the left and right side of the building. It helps give the viewer the whole picture.

In this photo, the newspaper is framing the photo of the people in the bottom right. It make's the photo stand out from the list of people.

Avoiding Mergers (Bad Picture):

This photo is not avoiding mergers as the main subject is the burn trees. The color of the trees blend in with the trees in the back making it hard to see it.
